
Heya, Cyadelica here. This is basically the home page for my everything PokeMiku except instead of linking you guys to my websites here, I just link you guys to my carrd (linked to image besides this box, the projects are for the next 2 images, have fun guessing which for what) which has the links to the websites lol. Anyways, the carrd is tetsunorochi.crd.co (for mobile users in which the images do not display) and everything else on me is also there if you are gossipy enough I guess

Interests and stuff

Main Interest here is PokeMiku of course but I also like Pokemon in general as well as games and anime stuff in general, though you will not find my exact interests of other things here, you will have to leave Neocities for this sorry /slapped


Stamps that sort of represent me as I am unsure what else to put here with how Neocities to me being more of a collection point than a main thing

Most of them are well Pokemiku stamps done by me but I may include in other fandoms I am in if I wanted to and nobody else is already doing them so

Free to use, just host them yourself (IDC if in the website itself or through an offsite host like imgur) and credit me, aka Cyadelica. Fonts by SparklyDest on dA and borders by AHMED-ART on dA
